Programming is a multifaceted field with a wide range of approaches, and one way to categorize programmers is based on their thinking time, particularly the time spent on research versus time spent on solving problems. This categorization can provide insights into how programmers approach their work and the strategies they employ.

Research-Driven Programmers:

Some programmers prioritize in-depth research before diving into coding. They invest a significant amount of time in gathering information, understanding the problem domain, and exploring potential solutions. Key characteristics of research-driven programmers include:

  • Thorough Understanding: They seek a deep and comprehensive understanding of the problem and its context before writing a single line of code.
  • Well-Planned Solutions: Research-driven programmers tend to create well-thought-out solutions based on the information they've gathered, leading to robust and efficient code.
  • Reduced Debugging Time: Their thorough research often results in fewer unexpected issues during the coding process, reducing debugging time in the long run.

Problem-Solving Oriented Programmers:

On the opposite end of the spectrum are programmers who prioritize problem-solving over extensive research. They prefer to jump right into solving the problem and may learn as they go. Key characteristics of problem-solving oriented programmers include:

  • Quick Start: They are keen to start coding and solving problems immediately, often favoring a more agile approach.
  • Adaptive Learning: Problem-solving programmers learn as they encounter specific challenges, adapting their solutions as needed.
  • Iterative Development: They may engage in iterative development, continuously reassessing and adjusting their approach based on immediate coding challenges.

Balanced Programmers:

Many programmers strike a balance between research and problem-solving. They allocate time for research to grasp the problem context but are also efficient in implementing solutions. These balanced programmers have the flexibility to adapt to different situations and projects.

Iterative Programmers and Agile Practitioners:

Some programmers may oscillate between research and problem-solving iteratively. They start with research, work on parts of the problem, and then return to research as they encounter specific challenges. Agile practitioners, in particular, focus on quick iterations and working software, continually adapting as they progress.

In summary, categorizing programmers based on their thinking time can help us understand their working styles and preferences. It's important to note that a well-rounded programmer can adapt their thinking approach as needed for the task at hand, demonstrating versatility in research, problem-solving, and coding expertise. The choice between these approaches depends on the programmer's familiarity with the technology, the complexity of the problem, and the project's requirements.