Run Command
Run a command in a new container
Display the help information using the following command:
docker container run --help
Example of creating a container for the swaggerapi/swagger-editor image with the name swagger-editor.
docker container run -it -p 80:8080 --name swagger-editor swaggerapi/swagger-editor
Since the -it options were used, you can stop the container using CTRL+C.
Access the swagger-editor using the following address:
This command can only be used for creating a container based on an image. Once the container was created you can start it using the start command. If you are not sure about the name of the container find it using the list command.
It is better to have a name for the container so that you know what to start (or stop or delete).
List Command
List containers.
Display the help information using the following command:
docker container ls --help
Example of displaying all the containers.
docker container ls --all
Start Command
Start one or more stopped containers
Display the help information using the following command:
docker container start --help
Example of starting the container created from the run command section.
docker container start swagger-editor
Stop Command
Stop one or more running containers
Display the help information using the following command:
docker container stop --help
Example of stopping the container created from the run command section.
docker container stop swagger-editor
Delete Command
Remove one or more containers
Display the help information using the following command:
docker container rm --help
Example of deleting the container created from the run command section.
docker container rm swagger-editor
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