Extremely Serious

Month: August 2019

Philippine Internet Radio Stations

StationStreaming Address
Cool FM 90.1http://equinox.shoutca.st:8938/stream
iFM 93.9 Manilahttp://curiosity.shoutca.st:8098/stream
90.7 Love Radio Manilahttps://manilabr.radioca.st/stream
Magic 107http://curiosity.shoutca.st:8098/stream/1/
Star FM Manila 102.7 FMhttp://ample-zeno-06.radiojar.com/g1pmt17nz9duv
YES! FM 101.1 Manilahttp://
Monster RX 93.1http://icecast.eradioportal.com:8000/monsterrx
Rakista Radiohttp://

ThreadPoolExecutor with ArrayBlockingQueue and Custom Thread Name

Create an implementation of ThreadFactory to create a thread with custom name for ThreadPoolExecutor as follows:

class MyThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    private AtomicLong threadCounter;

    private MyThreadFactory() {
        threadCounter = new AtomicLong();

    public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
        var thread=new Thread(runnable);
        return thread;

The preceding class will generate a thread with the name starting with my-thread. Use the instance of this class in constructing the ThreadPoolExecutor as follows:

var executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2, 4, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
        new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(100), new MyThreadFactory(), 
        new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());

The preceding declaration creates an instance of ThreadPoolExecutor with 2 core threads, 4 maximum threads, 60 seconds keep alive and supports 100 items in the queue. The queue size is defined by the instance of ArrayBlockingQueue class.

Start all the core threads as follows:


Using a profiling tool we can search for all the threads whose names starts with my-thread like the following screenshot:

Don't forget to call any shutdown/terminate methods when done using the executor.

Getting a Resource using ModuleLayer

If the resource and the module are known, we can use the ModuleLayer to access it like the following snippet.

ModuleLayer.boot().findModule(<MODULE_NAME>).ifPresent(___module -> {
    try {
        var modResource = ___module.getResourceAsStream(<RESOURCE_NAME>);
    } catch (IOException e) {


MODULE_NAME -> the name of the module that has the resource.
RESOURCE_NAME -> the resource of interest.